
Friday Unlimited at the Skatin’ Place!

Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St Cloud, MN, United States

Family Fridays are the BEST at Skatin' Place. Unlimited Skating, Laser Tag, & Pizza Buffet for just $18.11 every Friday from 6-9:30p. Buffet & Laser Tag close at 9p, as we begin BlackOut.----BlackOut is when the skating floor darkens to the point you need a glowstick or light to be visible. You may bring your […]

Magic The Gathering- Commander League

Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite Park, MN, United States

Commander League Every Thursday and Friday at 7PM. You get points to trade in towards awesome foils, box toppers, judge promos, serialized, masterpieces, and more.


DJ nights at The Pickled Loon

The Nest 715 W St Germain St,, St Cloud, MN, United States

Friday sessions with DJ Randy include EDM and Hip Hop, along with top 40 songs. Located above The Pickled Loon in The Nest.  Groove to the Beats: DJ Nights at The Pickled Loon! Unwind and dance the night away at The Pickled Loon's happening DJ Nights! Every Friday Night (check for exceptions): Head upstairs to […]


St. Cloud Pride in the Park

Lake George Complex 1101 7th St S, St Cloud, MN, United States

This year marks the 16th annual St. Cloud Pride in the Park event taking place Saturday, September 20th, 2025 at St. Cloud Lake George / Eastman Park. This family friendly event runs from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. offering a variety of local exhibitors, entertainment and food vendors. 1 p.m. Puppy Parade Stage Entertainment:TBA Grab […]

St. Cloud Ballroom Dance Club

Sta Fit - Sartell 805 Co Rd. 120, Sartell, MN, United States

Each dance begins at 5:30 PM with a 45 minute lesson teaching beginning dancers the basic footwork and technique for a particular style of dance. Each lesson progresses to new steps and techniques for more experienced dancers. From 6:15 to 8 PM a variety of ballroom dance music is played by DJ. Dancing Ballroom is […]

Event Series Bar Bingo

Bar Bingo

St Cloud VFW Post 428 9 18th Ave N, St Cloud, MN, United States

Come enjoy bingo at The VFW Post 428. Each bingo package is 20$.


Bonnie Raitt

The Ledge Amphitheater 1700 Parkway Drive, Waite Park, Minnesota

Doors 6pm / Show 7:30pm SEATS FOR CHANGE: The event organizer has priced these tickets according to their market value. The Artist has designated a portion of the ticket proceeds go toward supporting local and national organizations working on a variety of causes including sustainable energy, environmental protection, social justice, food & shelter insecurity, youth […]

Saturday 18+ Skate

Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St Cloud, MN, United States

Roll with them on Saturday nights after the kids leave, 8:15-10:30 PM. With skating, arcade, laser tag, food, and drinks there's something for everyone!   Bring your university ID for free rentals!   All who enter must pay admission. Must be 18 years or older. Check their website for more details.

DJ Nights at The Pickled Loon

The Nest 715 W St Germain St,, St Cloud, MN, United States

DJ Nights at The Pickled Loon! Unwind and dance the night away at The Pickled Loon's happening DJ Nights! Every Saturday Night (check for exceptions): Head upstairs to "The Nest" and get ready for a night of electrifying music by DJ BROWNIE. What to expect: High-energy dance music - TOP 40, Hip Hop, EDM. Live […]


Dungeons and Dragons League

Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite Park, MN, United States

Join them in the mystical land of "Beltonia" where they have been rescuing the town from the menacing goblins and monsters alike. You must rebuild and welcome back the town folk to continue to bring the town back to the greatness it once was. Two tables available one for beginners and one for more seasoned […]

Event Series Bluegrass & Brews

Bluegrass & Brews

Beaver Island Brewing Co. 216 6th avenue s, St. Cloud, MN, United States

Every Sunday from 1:00-5:00 PM, a group of singers and strummers sit down at the taproom for a bluegrass jam session. Come have a listen, or if you’re a musician, you’re welcome to bring your instrument of choice along and join in!

Event Series BINGO


St Cloud VFW Post 428 9 18th Ave N, St Cloud, MN, United States

Come play bingo at VFW post 428!

Trivia with Trivia Ninja’s!

MC's Dugout 501 W St. Germain St., St. Cloud, MN, United States

Come join them every week for trivia with the Trivia Ninjas at MC’s Dugout WEDNESDAYS at 6:30 pm. 

Bingo at the Moose Lodge

Moose Lodge 1300 3rd St. N, Waite Park, MN, United States

Join them for bingo every Wednesday!

BINGO at Blue Line

Blue Line Bar and Grill 1004 Sunridge Dr, St. Cloud, MN

Need something to do on a Wednesday night? Come play BINGO at Blue Line and have some FUN! 7 pm start time!