
Event Series Bluegrass & Brews

Bluegrass & Brews

Beaver Island Brewing Co. 216 6th avenue s, St. Cloud, MN, United States

Every Sunday from 1:00-5:00 PM, a group of singers and strummers sit down at the taproom for a bluegrass jam session. Come have a listen, or if you’re a musician, you’re welcome to bring your instrument of choice along and join in!

Event Series BINGO


St Cloud VFW Post 428 9 18th Ave N, St Cloud, MN, United States

Come play bingo at VFW post 428!

Event Series Youth QueerConnect

Youth QueerConnect

Great River Regional Library St. Cloud 1300 W. St Germain St, St. Cloud, United States

QueerConnect Youth events are designed to help connect people in the LGBTQIA+ community. For these events, middle school and high school youth are invited to join them and other area youth. They have started meeting 6p-8p once a month. These are in partnership with QueerSpace Collective.


Trivia with Trivia Ninja’s!

MC's Dugout 501 W St. Germain St., St. Cloud, MN, United States

Come join them every week for trivia with the Trivia Ninjas at MC’s Dugout WEDNESDAYS at 6:30 pm. 

BINGO at Blue Line

Blue Line Bar and Grill 1004 Sunridge Dr, St. Cloud, MN

Need something to do on a Wednesday night? Come play BINGO at Blue Line and have some FUN! 7 pm start time! 


Danny's Dugout 736 S Benton Dr,, Sauk Rapids, MN, United States

BINGO every Wednesday at 7 PM! Jackpots up to $1000! kitchen is open until 11 PM! 

Event Series Open Mic Night!

Open Mic Night!

Lost Times Tavern 2 N. Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids, MN

Come on out to Open Mic Night at Lost Times Tavern in downtown Sauk Rapids! Every Wednesday night starting on October 4th! Share your creativity and enjoy the community of the hottest local talent from 7:30 - 10pm! Kitchen will be open until 9.  

Keller Comedy Open Mic

Red Carpet Keller Bar 11 5th Ave S,, St Cloud, MN, United States

Free Live Comedy still lives in St Cloud every Wednesday night. Sign up is 8-9. Show starts at 9ish. 32oz Beer Pitchers for 6 Bucks!


Throwback Thursdays at the Skatin’ Place

Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St Cloud, MN, United States

Throwback Thursdays are always groovy. The $40 Family Pack is available from 5-8p. It includes 4 Admissions, a Large Handcrafted Pizza, & Pitcher of Pop.   DJ VanGo will play the Top Hits before 2010. Feel free to ask for song requests & shoutouts. Skating games every 15-20 minutes after we play the rules of […]

Bingo Thursday!

Lincoln Depot 629 Lincoln Ave SE, St Cloud, MN, United States

Bar Bingo every THURSDAY! 6:30 PM! Jackpots Up to $1000! 

Live Music at the Veranda Lounge

Veranda Lounge 22 5th Ave S, St Cloud, MN, United States

Monday Night Jazz was formed in 2004 by guitarist Muggsy Lauer and bassist Jeff Engholm as an excuse to play jazz, familiarize ourselves with new songs, and to generally entertain people with live jazz. They picked an early start and end time because who wants to be up until late on a Monday night? Not […]

Magic The Gathering- Commander League

Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite Park, MN, United States

Commander League Every Thursday and Friday at 7PM. You get points to trade in towards awesome foils, box toppers, judge promos, serialized, masterpieces, and more.


Karaoke at The Pickled Loon

The Pickled Loon 715 W St Germain St, St. Cloud, MN, United States

Unleash Your Inner Rockstar! Karaoke Thursdays at The Pickled Loon starting at 10pm. Belt out your favorite tunes and shower yourself (or maybe your friends) in applause at The Pickled Loon's weekly Karaoke Thursday! Grab some delicious food and drinks in a friendly atmosphere to sing your heart out, no matter your skill level with […]


Friday Unlimited at the Skatin’ Place!

Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St Cloud, MN, United States

Family Fridays are the BEST at Skatin' Place. Unlimited Skating, Laser Tag, & Pizza Buffet for just $18.11 every Friday from 6-9:30p. Buffet & Laser Tag close at 9p, as we begin BlackOut.----BlackOut is when the skating floor darkens to the point you need a glowstick or light to be visible. You may bring your […]

Magic The Gathering- Commander League

Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite Park, MN, United States

Commander League Every Thursday and Friday at 7PM. You get points to trade in towards awesome foils, box toppers, judge promos, serialized, masterpieces, and more.


DJ nights at The Pickled Loon

The Nest 715 W St Germain St,, St Cloud, MN, United States

Friday sessions with DJ Randy include EDM and Hip Hop, along with top 40 songs. Located above The Pickled Loon in The Nest.  Groove to the Beats: DJ Nights at The Pickled Loon! Unwind and dance the night away at The Pickled Loon's happening DJ Nights! Every Friday Night (check for exceptions): Head upstairs to […]
