3 events found.
Friday Unlimited at the Skatin’ Place!
Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St CloudFamily Fridays are the BEST at Skatin' Place. Unlimited Skating, Laser Tag, & Pizza Buffet for just $18.11 every Friday from 6-9:30p. Buffet & Laser Tag close at 9p, as […]
Magic The Gathering- Commander League
Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite ParkCommander League Every Thursday and Friday at 7PM. You get points to trade in towards awesome foils, box toppers, judge promos, serialized, masterpieces, and more.
DJ nights at The Pickled Loon
The Nest 715 W St Germain St,, St CloudFriday sessions with DJ Randy include EDM and Hip Hop, along with top 40 songs. Located above The Pickled Loon in The Nest. Groove to the Beats: DJ Nights at […]