
Friday Unlimited at the Skatin’ Place!

Skatin' Place 3302 Southway Dr, St Cloud

Family Fridays are the BEST at Skatin' Place. Unlimited Skating, Laser Tag, & Pizza Buffet for just $18.11 every Friday from 6-9:30p. Buffet & Laser Tag close at 9p, as […]

Live Music- John Gorka

First Presbyterian Church of St Cloud 371 4th Avenue S., St Cloud

John Gorka is an American singer-songwriter. In 1991, Rolling Stone magazine called him "the preeminent male singer-songwriter of what has been dubbed the New Folk Movement.

$10 – $25

Magic The Gathering- Commander League

Sneak Attack's Games 1415 Division St, Waite Park

Commander League Every Thursday and Friday at 7PM. You get points to trade in towards awesome foils, box toppers, judge promos, serialized, masterpieces, and more.


Live Music at the Veranda Lounge

Veranda Lounge 22 5th Ave S, St Cloud

Hailing from the pines of Northern Wisconsin, Nick began playing guitar at 15. From early on, his songs have shown a connection to the blues, soul, and rock n’ roll. […]

A Perfect Circle + Deftones Tributes at The Red Carpet

Red Carpet Nightclub 11 5th Ave S, St Cloud

On Friday, April 4th, Stone and Echo (Tribute to A Perfect Circle) and Swerve City (A Tribute to the Deftones) are joining forces for one huge show at Red Carpet […]

DJ nights at The Pickled Loon

The Nest 715 W St Germain St,, St Cloud

Friday sessions with DJ Randy include EDM and Hip Hop, along with top 40 songs. Located above The Pickled Loon in The Nest.  Groove to the Beats: DJ Nights at […]
